Client-Server Data Exchange with TCP


  • Networking is a concept of communication between two entities/programms across the network:
    - client to client,
    - client to server,
    - client to itself.
  • Where client is the end device usually interfacing with a human.
  • Server on the other hand is a device providing a service for a client.
  • Reliable part within the protocol ensures if the data is lost on its course through the network, the prtocol will reorganize the data to be resent.
  • It also checks if the data is courrpted and arrives in the ordered manner.
  • However, the checking slows down the protocol.
  • Applied everywhere when we need to be 100% sure the data is being completely delivered: Web Browsers, Emails, FTP...


App includes following features:

  • TCP
  • Database


Client - Server Model:
  • Server can run constantly and can be available for clients to connect to at any time to receive the information clients require.
  • Example: web browser as a client conncts Google as a server.
  • Port number - slots for network card. Ports reroute the incoming data to appropriate program.
  • Programming concept for establishing connection in bidirectional manner from program to program across the network.
  • Once they are connected, we can use them to send data and receive data.
  • One socket:, another socket:
  • Python sockets easily handle the implementation of the common transport protocols: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
Cases study:
  1. connects to Server which is contantly listening for a connecton.
  2. Server is run from
  3., once connected to Server, generates 10 random 'transactions'.
  4. Server confirms reception of 'transactions' batch.
  5. Server saves received data into db and continue to listening afterwards.


SQLite database setup:

  1. Creating a file in project folder: db_name.db.
  2. Importing sqlite3 in Python script:
    import sqlite3
  3. Conneting to db:
    conn = sqlite3.connect('db_name.db')
    c = conn.cursor()
  4. Creating table:
    c.execute('CREATE TABLE tblTransactions(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, value TEXT)')
  5. Inserting values:
    c.execute("INSERT INTO tblTransactions VALUES(NULL, '" + row + "')")
  6. Closing db:

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE