Support Vector Machine with Numpy and Python


  • Splitting the data in the best posible way - to get two data groups (categories).
  • The key aspect is to split the data in as much optimal way as possible so that new data point can be precisely clasified.
  • The data can be split in different ways. However, the line making the biggest gap between two classes is chosen as the separation line.
source: wikipedia
  • Support vectors are extreme points of a specific data set of one category.
  • Support vectors are those elements of the data that makes the biggest possible separation gap.
  • Distance margin is the distance between support vectors from both data classes.
  • Once we create an optimal separation line we can easily see which side a new data belongs to.
  • The smaller the distance margin, the higher a chance of miss-classification is.
  • If all of the data is placed in one line in 1D then we need to convert it into 2D with kernel.
  • If one data of one class is sourrounded by data of second class we need to convert 2D into 3D with kernel.


App includes following features:

  • Data Visualization
  • Statistics


  • Training SVM model with Numpy.
  • Getting new data: 4 items x 2 features.
  • Labeling data to 1 or -1 relying on feature's values.


Script requires libraries installation:

  • pip install pandas
  • pip install numpy

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE