REST Framework in Django App


  • Main project: rest_app.
  • Application: api - responsible for backend.
  • REST - REpresentational State Transfer - software architecure that pre-defines rules of server's resources access.
  • API - Application Programming Interface - set of rules in communication between systems or between system and user.
  • Web-service - service that allows user to communicate with server using REST API.
  • HTTP Protocol - client requests or server answers mover. We say that REST API is stateless as web-server only knows about the current request that comes in, and not about any previous one. This means requests don't depend on each other.
  • Endpoint - an url for a web-service with which we can access defined server's resources.
  • View - maps endpoint url with what you can see in the front-end.
  • Serializer - takes model written in Python and translates it into JSON:
        'model_attribute_1': 'value',
        'model_attribute_2': 'value',
        'model_attribute_3': 'value'
    - JSON is the format of front-end or application request to REST API
    - JSON is the format of back-end response through REST API to front-end or application.
  • Model - data schema written as Python class where class attributes reflect data schema fields.
Architecture without REST:
  • Each client/application needs to have it's own business logic.
  • Each client/application needs to have it's own database connection.
  • Front-end needs to have its own dedicated web-service where db resources are disposable due to business logic.
Architecture with REST:
  • REST API enables to connect db by different apps as well as poses a web-service for a front-end.
  • REST API has its onw business logic which is shared among apps getting connected.


App includes following features:

  • Django
  • Rest Framework


Workflow of api application:
  1. User hits the web address with a specified endpoint, e.g.
  2. Note that provided endpoint has two parts: api/ and users.
  3. Django goes to main rest_app searching for the api/ endpoint.
    from django.urls import path, include
    urlpatterns = [
        path('api/', include('api.urls'))
  4. Due to instructions in rest_app endpoint users is being redirected to api
  5. The endpoint users follows instruction in api where is mapped with a function as_view() excuted on UserView:
    from django.urls import path
    from .views import UserView
    urlpatterns = [
       path('users', UserView.as_view())
  6. UserView uses serializer to get data into JSON:
    from rest_framework import generics
    from .serializers import UserSerializer
    from .models import User
    class UserView(generics.CreateAPIView):
        queryset = User.objects.all()
        serializer_class = UserSerializer
  7. In we define UserSerializer:
    from rest_framework import serializers
    from .models import User
    class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
        class Meta:
           model = User
           fields = ('id', 'email', 'nick', 'level', 'created_date')
    - in class Meta we indicate which model we want to serialize,
    - fields determines the JSON structure of User model,
    - 'id' field is created automatically for every model once created in db so we want to include this in JSON.
  8. UserSerializer takes User as model:
    from django.db import models
    class User(models.Model):
        email = models.CharField(max_length=30, default='', unique=True)
        nick = models.CharField(max_length=20, default='', unique=True)
        level = models.IntegerField(null=False, default=1)
        created_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    - notice, I don't declare 'id' field in the model,
    - as I said above, 'id' field is being generated automatically during model db creation.
Posting data to db:
  • Application makes use of two API views:
    - CreateAPIView - we can be sending POST requests from HTML form through web-service
       view available under endpoint: api/user_new,
    - ListAPIView - lists all db entries in JSON format
       view available under endpoint: api/users.


  1. Installing django library in venv:
        pip install django
        pip install djangorestframework
  2. Installing most updated markdown:
        pip install git+
  3. Starting project in project directory:
        django-admin startproject rest_app
  4. Changing directory to rest_app:
        cd .\restapp
  5. Creating app:
        python startapp api
  6. Creating new files in api application:
  7. Entering apps to rest_app.settings:
        INSTALLED_APS = [
  8. Data migration each time when we want to update changes to db (first migration will create a database with default tables):
        python makemigrations
         it detects the changes and prepares them to be uploaded to the database
         the changes are being saved to migrations directory
  9. Applying changes to db:
        python migrate
  10. Creating superuser:
        python createsuperuser

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE