Optimal Costs of Goods Transportation


In today's world, smart Supply Chain Management has never been that important. Finding optimal costs of supplies is sometimes the matter of to be or not to be for a company. I used a very popular algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph. I tailored the algorithm to procurement's needs.

  • First matrix presents the names of routes
  • Supplier starts from the beginning of A1 and arrives to the destination at the end of F5 route
  • There are 25 available routes to get to the destination
  • Which route we take, we can decide upon the cost of going through it.
  • For our needs, we assume that the costs consist of distance, road quality, paid segments, possible queues on country borders etc.
  • Second matrix shows the costs of getting through the single route.
  • Going through the route A1 costs 65
  • Going through the route A2 costs 70 which is cheaper than going through B1
  • This kind of costs comparison is performed at the end of each route starting from root route (A1) till the final one(E5)
  • The main purpose is to get from the start of A1 route to the end of F5 root at the lowest costs.


App includes following features:

  • C++
  • Arrays


  • Green set of routes costs in totals: 65 + 70 + 105 + 123 + 89 + 68 + 59 + 98 + 146 = 823
  • Red set of routes costs in totals: 65 + 140 + 52 + 51 + 130 + 94 + 54 + 98 + 146 = 830
  • Program compares costs of each possible sets and chooses the cheapest one (green)
  • In console we receive the optimal path printed (green set from above example) that supplier has to go through to achieve min costs of goods transportation
  • We receive the Routes Matrix where ## stands for the route taken (green set)
  • We have also information on the total costs of transportation


No specific installation required.

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE