Modeling Blockchain with Python


  • Chain of blocks that contain information.

  • Each block contains data, hash and hash of previous block.
    - data stored inside a block depends on type of blockchain
    - hash, as a fingerprint, is unique and identifies a block with all of its content - it's being calculated once block created
    - changing something inside the block causes the block's hash to change (that detects any atttempts of changes to block)
    - hash of the previous block actually creates a chain
    - having blocks chained in that way, it ensures security of the blockchain
    - changing one block would make all of the following blocks in the chain invalid because of invalid 'has of previous block' - changing one block way back in the chain it would affect all of the hashes of blocks going forward

  • Additional security mechanism is the proof-of-work:
    - recalculating new hashes can be performed very fast so it's not enough to keep blockchain secure
    - proof-of-work mechanism slows down the creation of new blocks
    - f.e. for bitcoin proof-of-work consumes 10 minutes to add new block to the chain
    - because of proof-of-work, changes to one block would require recalculating the proof-of-work for all of the following block within the chain

  • It's distributed which increases security level
    - is uses peer-to-peer network
    - when someone joins network he gets full copy of the blockchain - the node
    - if there is an attempt to change the block it will be rejected by the rest of the nodes in the network
    - the changes would be possible when affecting more than 50% of the network nodes at once which is very hard

  • To make change to block you would need to change all of the blocks in the chain, recalculate the proof-of-work for each block and take control of min 50% of peer-to-peer network nodes. That sounds like impossible mission.

  • Blockchain with security mechanizms stays stable and steady.


App includes following features:

  • OOP


Below example shows how following blocks depends on the preceding ones.

  • Every following block has its own hash and the hash of the preceding block assigned except for the first block.
  • Small change on first block affects change of blocks hashes all the way through - see red frame indicates update of the first block:


No specific installation required.

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE