Linked List for Sequencing User Actions


Linked list is a data structure which is used when size of data is not fixed and we want to efficiently utilize our memory space allocating as much space as we need at run time. Linked list properties:

  • Linked list start with the head which is empty.
  • Each node as well as head points to a next node.
  • Each node besides head stores infroamtion.
  • The last node points to None in Python script.


App includes following features:

  • Data Structures



  • Each item in the linked list is called a node.
  • Each node is an user's action.
  • We acknowledge action a mouse click.
  • In the node there is x and y coordinates of clicked spot as well as exact time.


  • User clicks on specific spots on screen - it can be buttons, links, text or other user interface elements.
  • Scipt memorizes where users clicks and memorizes exact time.
  • Using linked lists property, we can check what specific clicks comes after each other.
  • We can also rejestr the fact, how long it takse for user to click between two elements - if user looks for it to long then we can treat it as a feedback from UX perspective.


Script requires libraries installation:

  • pip install keyboard
  • pip install pyautogui

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE