K Nearet Neighbors with Pure Math


K Nearest Neighbors is the algorithm that uses all of available classified cases for a model learning:

  • All of the already classfied cases are called neighbours to the new taken case.
  • Classified case means it has a label assigned to it.
  • With this method we want to assign the label to a new case based on the distance comparison to all cases using distance function.
  • K nearest neighbours means k as an amount of closest (similar with the value) cases.


App includes following features:

  • Numpy



  • Here is the 150 sets of features.
  • Each set of features is labeled with 0, 1, 3 in species column.
  • Each row (still talking about set) based on its feature values allows to label the set:
    - e.g. first row, based on the feature values, is classified as 0 that symbolizes a specific species.


  • We use the data already classified to train a model dividing data to the subsets:
    - training samples - each sample is the set of featrues,
    - training labels - for each training sample we have label assigned based on the sample's features,
    - test samples - based on test samples we want to predict labels using trained model
        --> we get prediction set as an outcome,
    - test labels - we are using test labels to compare them with prediction outcome
        --> we get assessment of a model reliability,
  • The trained model classifies previously unseen data to a proper label.
    - when model reliability is satisfing, we can take a new case with its features and classify it to a label.
Case study:

  • console prints info:
    - test sample - list of features lists
    - predicted labels - list of labels that corresponds to each list of features above
    - calculating accuracy which is 100% in this case
    - taking new features sample
    - calculating predicted label


Script requires libraries installation:

  • pip install pandas
  • pip install numpy
  • pip install matplotlib

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE