Decision Robot


Robot gives the best possible option based on the answers given by user in a questionnaire. User can either rely on the robot in 100% for having decision process fully automated or take it into account during decsion making.

  • Program has questions and answers hard coded.
  • Each question in the questionaire has the set of answers which scores a related category.
  • The outcome comes with options hierarchy as well as in form of the radar chart so that we can see how many points particular option has scored.
  • Commercially, this robot is used by buyers to help them to choose the best purchasing channel relying on their answers regarding a product's specification.
  • The app comes with simple front-end that walks user thorugh the steps.


App includes following features:

  • Portable XLSM file
  • User Interface
  • Output chart visualization


Main View:

User form (content has been deleted):


No specific installation required.

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE