Data Warehousing for Business Insights
This section presents a process of data collection, processing and analyzing to provide meaningful business insights. I also provide some theoretical introduction on what tools and techniques need to be applied to make it works.
ETL components:
- Data source.
- Data ingestion.
- Data storage.
- Data visualization.
- Documentation.
Data Integration:
- Combining data from different sources and providing users with unified view of them.
- It integrates data from heterogeneous database systems and transforms it into a single coherent data store.
- We can find it helpful in data mining and business analysis.
- With the data integration, the sources may be entirely within your own systems. On the other hand, data ingestion suggests that at least part of the data is pulled from another location (e.g. a website, SaaS application, or external database).
- It can be defined as a repeatable programmed data movement.
- It stands for:
- extract: getting data from different sources.
- transform: filter/map/enrich/combine/validate/aggregate/sort/applying business rules to the data
- load: store data in the data warehouse or data mart. - Data Warehouse (DW) vs Data Mart (DM):
- DW is broadly focused on all the departments. It is possible that it can even represent the entire company.
- DM is a specific business subject-oriented, and it is used at a department level. - ETL process can be applied in making data strucutred from data lake keeping unstructrued data from different sources:
ETL designing:
- Operational db:
- we don't go to an operaional database directly, as we don't want to weigh its performance down with analytical functions,
- operaitonal db is only resposible for transactions saving which cosumes a lot of performance power. - Flat files (CSV, JSON, XML):
- extracting data from operational db like a snapshot with some additional meatadata like timestamp, system name etc.
- extracting flat files and working on them eliminates any operaional db perfomrance issue risks. - Raw database:
- loading data as it is in the flat files without any business logic applied yet,
- the purpose is to be able to check if the data makes sense, for instance if the user name is ok, or if the zip-code has an expected format, if the commas is in a wrong place etc,
- we perform some QA check on the fields matching, if some data don't fall into inappropriate db field,
- here, we don't apply any transofrmation logic as we want to test pure data, otherwise it would be hard to debug some issues if they come from either the logic or data itslef,
- we can move on with some logging here to track what files has been loaded, how many rows etc. - Staging database:
- here we apply business logic, some mappings, standarization, deduplicaiton, denormalization to transform the data up to business requirements,
- QA perfomed after appling transomration - we can be chekcing if the amount of distinct records is still as expected after applying some aggregating funcitons,
- basically, QA at this stage confirms if I can trust the data or not,
- we can also here do some logging on how many records have been loaded, what stred procedures were run, if they were successfull or not, how long they work. - Data Warehouse:
- final destination of ETL,
- here we proceed with further data analysis,
- can be a back-end of Tableau dashboard,
- consists of fact tables and dimension tables. - Here is the schema that shows the pahses of ETL:
source: Seattle Data Guy
Additonal things for ETL:
- Data QA,
- Error hanlding and logging:
- tracking when etl fails,
- tracking why is that,
- it's important for the maintenance. - Dashborad for logs visualization,
- Data linage and data catalog:
- tracking fileds dependencies. - Metadata database:
- tracking pipelines dependencies. - Types of transformation:
- Cleansing: removing information that is inaccurate, irrelevant, or incomplete.
- Deduplication: deleting duplicate copies of information.
- Joining: combining two or more database tables that share a matching column.
- Splitting: dividing a single database table into two or more tables.
- Aggregation: creating new data by performing various calculations (e.g. summing up the revenue from each sales representative on a team).
- Validation: ensuring that the data is accurate, high-quality, and using a standard data type.
Extracting data from the source system followed by applying transofrmation according to the business logic and loading to the DW where it can be consumed by end users or reporting users. | Exracting and loading into more permanent location (usually data lake) - over there tables continue to grow with each run. Data lake play a historical reference for all data (no limits on how much we can store). |
Transform process will only run against data that is extracted during the same run. | Transformation applied at the end to create custom data models. |
Before transfomration there is one more staging layer (temporary storage) | Extracted data is not being cleaned each time - we can extract the data as many times as we want and run the transformation at any different time. |
All of the steps needs to be completed at the same run. | Instead of relying on the staging table for the latest data - we can instead apply filters on the new larger data set within the transform logic. |
EL (fivetran, stitch, kafka, aws kinesis), T (dbt, AWS athena) |
Data Lineage:
- Records the whole life cycle of data - the data flow from the source to the consumption alogn with all of the transformations between.
- Benefits:
- tracking errors during data processing,
- implementing process changes with lower risk,
- performing system migrations with higher confidence,
- maintaining metadata and data mapping framework,
- discavering anomalies fast,
- validating data accuracy and consistency,
- making sure data is transoformed correctly.
Data governance:
- Managing users accesss on who can access what on which level.
- There is a so-called Data Steward who manages this.
QA on database:
- We may want to refer to previous data.
- We can perform many checks simply with SELECT queries.
- We can perform following checks:
- Categorical checks - when we know a field has a very specific value.
- Null checks - depending if the fileds accept ones. If there are nulls/blanks in a numeric column, we may want to fill it up with an average value.
- Aggregate checks - counting records both in raw table and prod table and comparing the results. We can do these checks agains pivot table in excel or with sql statement aggreagring as the same fileds as dashboard. It may appear thet some records in prod are missing and we can find the missing one in the raw table. These kind of changes can be a result of accidental removal throughout the process.
- Anomaly checks - test for data that doesn't make sense - f.e. average values is lower than minimum value.
- Outlier checks - detecting numeric values that far away from an aversage.
- Valudation checks - string/dates format. - QA for db is not as such developed and standardized as for app's code. Most ofthen, in order to get app tested out, the testing tools and environments peel away dependency layers such as databases. This means a traditional QA unit testing practices are designed to overlook the databases just to get focused on examination of the code itselft.
Data Lake:
- It doesn't enfore a data schema as it keeps the door open for all organization's data.
- Can store different forms of data:
- structured data from relational databases (rows and columns),
- semi-structured data (CSV, logs, XML, JSON),
- unstructured data (emails, documents, PDFs),
- binary data (images, audio, video). - We put a structure on a data when quering it (ELT process).
- Can be both established on-premise or in the cloud.
- The disadvantage can be that user may find the data uncategrized with no context what the data represents.
- There is also a data swamp which is unmanagable and inaccessible or low-value-providing data lake.
- With data lake came in, the emphasis has been switched from data lineage to data catalog.
- It stands for Extract, Load and Transform.
- This process first loads the data into the target storage and then leverages the target system to do the transformation.
- It makes sense when target system is based on high-performace engine like Hadoop cluster.
- Hadoop clusters work by breaking a problem into smaller chunks, then distributing those chunks across a large number of machines for processing.
Data Ingestion:
- Any process that transports data from one location to another so that it can be taken up for further processing or analysis.
- To ingest something means literally to take something in or absorb something located outside your internal systems.
Data can be streamed in real time or ingested in batches:
- streaming data ingestion - data is being loaded into target locatrion almost immediately it appears in the systems. For example manula inputs from the user utilizing the write-back function in the Tableau dashboard. Records are entered into target table right away and can be undergo the analysis or can be displayed on another dashboards.
- >b>batch data ingestion - data is collected and transferred in batches at regular intervals. For example extracting flat files from SAP systems and loading them using coded pipelines.
Db vs DW
- Db:
- mainly for transactional databases,
- many inserts and updates or deletes,
- for live apps,
- normalized,
- saves space,
- limits possible performance and redundancy issues,
- mainly for operational purposes. - Dw:
- centralizes and standardizes all of the data from either company's or third party's applicatons,
- for analytical purposes separating it from transactional systems in order to keep the performance,
- consists of fact tables that groups all transactions,
- consists of dimension tables with which we can break down transactions for example by category/regiona and sum up the sales,
- used by analytical teams to quickly select the data without joining tables and understanding whole relationship logic.
Fact Table and Dimension Table:
- Fact table is a central table of the star schema in a data warehouse. It stores quantitative information for the analysis.
- Fact table being kept denormalized in order to combine multiple tables into one so that it can be queried quickly.
- A fact is every event that can undergo analysis. Facts have measures, for instance a transaction (fact) may have 2 measures (value, units sold) - numerical or boolean.
- A fact table works with dimension tables. While the fact table holds the data to be analyzed, the dimension table stores data about the ways in which the data in the fact table can be analyzed.
- Here is how we can visualize the dependecy between facts and dimensions:
SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE country IN ('Poland', 'Germany', 'France')
is one of facts andcountry
is one of the dimensions. - Thus, the fact table consists of two types of columns:
- foreign key columns that joins dimension tables (Time ID, Product ID, Customer ID for example below),
- measure columns containing quantitative data being analyzed (Unit Sold). - Here is the example of fact table. Every sale is a fact that happens, and the fact table is used to record these facts:
source: searchdatamanagement.techtarget.comTime ID Product ID Customer ID Unit Sold 4 17 2 1 8 21 3 2 8 4 1 1 - Dimension table:
source: searchdatamanagement.techtarget.comCustomer ID Name Gender Income Education Region 1 Brian Edge M 2 3 4 2 Fred Smith M 3 5 1 3 Sally Jones F 1 7 3 - In the above example, the customer ID column, in the fact table, is the foreign key that joins with the dimension table. Let's have a look at fact table's 2nd row:
- row 2 of the fact table records the fact that customer 3, Sally Jones, bought two items on day 8.
- We can put table structure through:
Normalization Denormaliaztion Used to remove redundant data. Used to combine multiple tables for quick querying. Focuses on clearing the database from unused data. Focuses on achieving the faster execution. Uses optimized memory. Causes some sort of wastage of memory. Used where number of insert/update/delete operations are performed and joins of those tables are not expensive. Used where joins are expensive and frequent query is executed on the tables. Ensures data integrity i.e. any addition or deletion of data from the table will not create any mismatch in the relationship of the tables. Doesn't ensure data integrity. - DWH structure where we have denormalized fact table (or a few of them) containing measures and foreign keys to denormalized dimension tables is called star schema.
- DWH structure where we have denormalized fact table (or a few of them) containing measures and foreign keys to normalized dimension is called snowflake schema.
Slowly Changing Dimensions:
- They are dimensions for which attributes change slowly over time due to business needs.
- Slowly over time means changes happen occasionally rather than on a regular schedule.
- We can apply different approaches:
- type 1: overwriting the value with the new one and not tracking the historical data;
- type 2: preserving the history by creating another records with updated value and unique primary key - we can put anothe column with versioning;
- type 3: preserving the partial history where we create a pair of attributes to track current value and previous one;
Columnar databae:
- In relational databases, tables are defined as an unordered collection of rows.
- However, columnar database stores data in columnar sequence instead of row's.
- Here is employees table:
rowid NrPrac Imie Nazwisko Pensja 001 10 Alicja Zielinska 5200 002 11 Bogdan Wrona 4900 003 12 Czesław Kowalski 5600 004 114 Dominik Wrona 5200
- in columnar store, above data looks like following:10:001; 11:002; 12:003; 114:004; Alicja:001; Bogdan:002; Czesław:003; Dominik:004; Zielinska:001; Wrona:002,004; Kowalski:003; 5200:001,004; 4900:002; 5600:003;
- where the first line contains the values of the whole column namedNrPrac
- the same for the rest of columns,
- attribute's value indicates specificrowid
- When quering database about one or tow columns then a relational database's engine needs to read all records anyway. It slows down the overall performance. In columnar database, engine read only columns that we query. We fetch data fast and only that data we need. On the other hand, any record operations are very slow in a columnar database.
- In columanr storage data is being divided into micropartitions with specific metadata assigned. Thanks to metadata db engine knows more or less at what place of the disk a specific range of data's id is being kept. This is why we can fetch entire row even though we work with a columnar storage.
- Becasue fact tables in data warehouses are often long (many rows) and wide (many columns) and their data doesn't change while OLAP, they are being stored in te columnar form.
Data Warehous (DWH) desing:
- Designing DWH we need to pay closer attention to business requirements of further reporting.
- Data dimensions and granuality of data needs to be adjusted to reports that will be issued based on the DWH.
- The granuality depends on business requirements. In sales, besides price and units sold, we can associate transaction fact with foreign keys to dimensions as time, product, shop, salesman and even more. The more dimensions, the more foreign keys, the more detailed analysis in the OLAP.
- Dimensions need to follow granuality, no the other way around.
DWH working modes:
- Operational or analytical mode:
- operations limited only to analytical queries,
- no for any data or table schemas modifications,
- data in DWH stays unchanged. - Modification mode:
- authorized users ingest the data into DWH,
- it can be done automatically on specific time,
- there can be also actualization of indexes perfomed,
- analytical users loses connection at time of DWH modificaiton,
- any schamas modification may pose a danger for any predefiend queries and report.
Query optimalization:
- DWH is espacially optimized for reading operations.
- To keep high level of optimalizaton we should be avoiding performing one operation many times but we want to redefine query to run it only once instead.
- Here is unefficeint way to query with WHERE clause:
SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE X AND P1 SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE X AND P2 ........................ SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE X AND Pn
- as we can see X condition repeateas itself many times in WHERE clause,
- we can take condition X as general condition put on the data,
- applying that X condition reduces data set into a smaller sub-set,
- instead of putting X condtion with every select we can put it once in the materialized view:
- we obtain subset resulting from filtering data set into sub-set that is in line with X condition,
- we can then proceed with further variable conditions: P1, P2, Pn:SELECT ... FROM my_mat_view WHERE P1 SELECT ... FROM my_mat_view WHERE P2 ........................ SELECT ... FROM my_mat_view WHERE Pn
- the main difference between a materialized view and a regular view:Materialized view Regular view When calling, it references to outcome is physically saved in the system. When calling, it performs hidden query execution. It's getting refreshed automtically. There is no automated refreshing.
ETL issues:
- Multiple data sources as multiple seources of thurth - > different analysis -> different total values.
- Avoiding errors in excel:
- treat complex Excel sheet like a code - that means test when you make it, test it when you edit it and retest,
- limit logic to as few places as possible - often it can be better to apply business logic in a single place like sql cor code layer other than adding more logic into Excel and Tableau. - Too many dashboards and not enough action:
- why we build the dashboard and what are the decision it will drive,
- if it's not driving decision then why we building them. - Low quality and incomplete data:
- automated QA system,
- ingegration tests - making sure the logic inside te dashboard tool didn't change the initial data - if the numbers that we can see on the dashboard are the same sa we can calculated in the query from the dataset,
- unit tests - level of data table itself.
Errors-prone practicies:
- Not building reproducable, extendable, maintainable code.
- Trusting data source accuraccy - a need for QA system.
- Complex logic in one sql query - a need for breaking up into smaller staging steps.
- Bulding things without a purpose:
- including no decision driven analysis/dashboards,
- not understanding the bussines case and the business impact,
- not understanding the user or developing not a user-friendly systems. - Putting transformation logic outside of integration tools or not encapsulating it in a data catalog.
Database for stateful apps:
- Stateless:
- Stateless microservices don’t store data on the host.
- Stateless service can work using only pieces of information available in the request payload, or can acquire the required pieces of information from a dedicated stateful service, like a database.
- The server doesn’t hold onto the state information between requests (doesn’t rely on information from earlier requests), the state can be held into an external service, like a database.
- Different requests can be processed by different servers - any service instance can retrieve all service state necessary to execute a behavior from elsewhere enables resiliency, elasticity.
- It scalee automatically and when your usebase is big and geographically distributed across the globe. - Stateful:
- Stateful microservices require some kind of storage on the host who serves the requests.
- The server processes requests based on the information relayed with each request and information stored from earlier requests.
- The same server must be used to process all requests linked to the same state information, or the state information needs to be shared with all servers that need it.
- Need to ensure some kind of scaling for your stateful services, and also plan for backups and rapid disaster recovery.
Analytical MPP database:
- Analytical Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) Databases that are optimized for analytical workloads: aggregating and processing large datasets.
- MPP databases tend to be columnar, so rather than storing each row in a table as an object (a feature of transactional databases). MPP databases generally store each column as an object.
- Having columnar store architecture allows complex analytical queries to be processed much more quickly and efficiently. This allows to only access the fields needed to complete a query (as opposed to transactional databases, which must access all fields in a row).
- Columnar stora also enables to easliy index very large tables and to keep them denormalized.
- These analytic databases distribute their datasets across many machines, or nodes, to process large volumes of data (hence the name). These nodes (groupped in a cluster) all contain their own storage and compute capabilities, enabling each to execute a portion of the query. Adding more nodes to a cluster, the same workload can be distributed to more servers and completed more quickly.
- All MPP systems are fast because a “leader” can make a query plan and then distribute the actual work of executing the query to many workers (nodes).
- These technologies are typically optimized for batch loads.
- Some analytical data warehouses are solely available via a hosted architecture; Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, and Google BigQuery for example, are offered solely through the cloud. Others, like Teradata are able to be deployed both on-premise, packaged as appliances (software and hardware bundled), or deployed via a hosted model in the cloud.
- Analytical MPP databases can easily scale their compute and storage capabilities linearly by adding more servers to the system. source:
Data pipeline on cloud:
- SAP scheduler job runs ABAP code to extract data locally into the server.
- OpenFT or SFTP script takes the flat files and transfer them into the target system (AWS S3 bucket).
- Amazon SNS (simple nofitication service) fires events of new files coming in.
- Event triggers snowpiplne ETL which applies the transformation logic and feeds the snowflake data tables.
- There are materialized views of target table in the access schea being integrated with Snowflake server ensures the data on the dashboard are up to date (live connection to the data source).
App includes following features:
The process steps:
- CSV as data extracts from different systems.
- Python with Pandas for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process.
- Data Warehouse (MS Access/SQL Server).
- Share Point lists for the data back-up.
- Tableau for the data visualization.
- Server to get dasboard published for stakeholders.
- Business analysis.
- New data coming in.
- Go to step 1.
- Getting all of the flat files in the current directory and consolidating them into one Pandas dataframe.
combined = pd.concat(dfs)
- Assigning a random Region for exercies purpose:
import random
regions = ['AP', 'EMEA', 'AMS', 'LAC', 'NA']
combined['Region'] = combined['Region'].map(lambda x: random.choice(regions))
- Replacing values based on the condition in lambda function.
combined['Company'] = combined['Company'].map(lambda x: 'ABC' if x in ['ZXC', 'XXX', 'YYY'] else x)
- Filling up blanks based on the condition for a values in the another column.
combined.loc[(combined['Status'] == 'Closed') & (combined['Request quality'].isnull()), 'Request quality'] = 'not evaluated'
- Setting data types to specific column.
combined['Request nr'] = combined['Request nr'].astype(str)
- Saving consolidated dataframe into excel file:
combined.to_excel('combined.xlsx', index=False)
Sales dashboard:
KPI dashboard:

Joins, Blending, Unions
- As we know we have two kinds of tables:
1. Fact table - a set of data containing measurements, metrics or facts of some business processes. Facts correspond to measures to Tableau.
2. Dimension table - a set of descriptive data that is most-likely text-based. - We can combine data in different ways:
1. Joins - combining two data sets horizontally on a shared dimension.
- left join of two tables (dimension and fact):
source: OneNumber LLC
- when joining we need to be careful if number of jouned records is higher than number of records in the fact table.
- as it is the left join applied, we get everything from dimensions even though there might be no fact registered for particular record - in such case we get Null assigned.
- full outer join on two fact tables:
source: OneNumber LLC
- as we can see there might be no sales for ice creams on Monday and no sales for chocolate on Sunday but full outer join takes all records even though there might be no matches.
2. Blending:
- always a left join.
- we can mix the data from different sources on a common dimension.
3. Unions:
- combining data sets vertically on shared dimensions.
source: OneNumber LLC
Tableau main elements:
- There are two main fileds:
- Dimensions - categorical field.
- Measures - numerical fields to be aggregated.
- Fileds can be presented in two ways:
- Discrete - simply headers - they slice up the data giving them labels.
- Continuous - they are displayed as axis - number lines with continuosus range of values without the poauses.
Calculation in Tableau:
- Generally speaking, we can enrich data source using calculations.
- There are following types of calculation in Tableau:
- basic row level,
- basic aggreagate,
- Table calculation.
- Level of Details.
Basic row level calculation:
- Having below calculation:
if YEAR([PO Sent to Supplier]) = 2019 Then [Value] End
- we can put it into the text shelf getting: - In the data view, we can see that those records that fulfill if condition gets [Value]. Those records that don't fulfil the condition (2020) get Nulls.
Basic aggregate:
- Having below calculation:
IF YEAR([PO Sent to Supplier]) = 2021
THEN [Value]
- we aggregate values from all records that fulfills the condition into a one record value of SUM().
Table Calculation:
- This is a kind of calculations thst is performed on aggregated measures that Tableau sees in the virtual table.
- We can call them as a second pass aggregation like runnin totals (accumulative sum), moving average, percent of totals and so on.
- In other words, calculations are made based on the result that comes back from a data source. Tableau issues query to the data source and returns a set of aggregated results. Then, Tableau proceed with table calculation inside against that set of aggregated result.
- There are some factors that affect table calculations:
- direction (left to right or top to bottom),
- scope (table - everythin in the view, pane - subgroups, cell - row and column intersection),
- layout (dimension in shelf - level of detail),
- filters. - Here is the example of getting percent differene of
for a particular month:
- here are the figures when we can see how percent diff works:
- each row evaluates the change of current value in comparison with the previous one,
- aggregated value in Feb-19 fell from 517k to 68k with is drowdawn in - 88%,
- as we can see percent differnce is yet another calculation on aggregated measure ofSUM(Val)
- we can also visually recognize that table calculation is applied to a measure by the triangle icon within a pill.
LOD and LOD Expressions in Tableau:
- Defines granuality of the data.
source: Tableau Software
- in above case the level of detail of the visualization is 'region' only.
source: Tableau Software
- in above case the level of detail is more complex as we add more measures and each mark is the combination of two: 'category' and 'region'. - Different shelves have different effect on the LOD of the view apart from dimensions themeselves.
source: Tableau Software
- LOD is defined by dimensions put in the highlighted shelves.
- filter doesn't impac the LOD. - LOD Expressions give a control over the level of granuality. They can be performed at a more granular level (INCLUDE), a less granular level (EXCLUDE), or an entirely independent of view level (FIXED).
- Granuality - each individual distinguishable piece of data.
- Level of Details:
High Level Low Level Excludes details Includes details Summary Detailed view Less granular More granular More aggregated Less aggregated
- Level of detail in Tableau is what is shown on the view. - Viz LOD:
- when we drag a measure to a shelf it gets aggregate to SUM in the view by default:
source: sqlbelle
- but we can be more precised by dragging one dimension to another shelf, receiving totals at the level of Category:
source: sqlbelle
- the more dimensions we add, the more granular numbers become.
- Viz LOD:
. - Custom LOD with LOD Expression:
- syntax:
where TYPE might be:
- FIXED: independent of view returning a scalar (a singular value,)
- EXCLUDE: minus from view,
- INCLUDE: add to view,
- and [Dimension List] is optional.
- FIXED example:
{FIXED : SUM([Sales])}
source: sqlbelle
{ FIXED [Manufacturer]: MAX([Sales]) }
- we can read this as following: for each manufacturer count max sales.
- this computes at the Manufacturer level regardless of what viz LOD is.
- MAX([Sales]) will be fixed on a particular Manufacturer regardless of dimension, filters and the view overall.
source: Vizual Intelligence
- FIXED calculations are applied before dimension filters:
- FIXED level of detail doesn't care about what else is in the view, taking into account only passed dimension or not as it's optional.
- example:SUM([Sales]) / ATTR({FIXED : SUM([Sales])})
- having following calculation on one shelf in a view along with [State] dimension on a different shelf, the calculation will give you the ratio of a state’s sales to total sales.
- if you then put [State] on the Filters shelf to hide some of the states, the filter will affect only the numerator in the calculation. Since the denominator is a FIXED level of detail expression, it will still divide the sales for the states still in the view against the total sales for all states—including the ones that have been filtered out of the view (source: Tableu help).
- another example:
- when filtering out on [Tracker Name], the calculated total stays the same as if it got fixed:
- Fixed Table-Scoped LOD
- There is no TYPE and no [Dimension List]:
[Sales] - {AVG([Sales])}
- By calculation above we can compare store sales for each individual store to the average of sales for all stores.
- When the outcome is negative for a particular store then its sales is less than average overall sales.
- Here is the another example of comparing max year of slaes with the year of each record:
IF {MAX(YEAR([Order Date]))}=YEAR([Order Date]) THEN [Sales Value]
- when record's year doesn't equal max year from entire dataset then each record gets 0 as the result from the calculated field.
- Just to sum this up, when no FIXED, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE then { } implies FIXED on everything inside. - EXCLUDE example:
{EXCLUDE [Category]: SUM(Sales)}
source: sqlbelle
- We want to exclude 'Category' dimension from the view and calculate the sum of Sales (like it is from the high level without any detailes provided by a dimension).
- EXCLUDE LOD is being affected by dimension filters and is getting detailed while more dimensions put in the shelves.
- The same can be done with FIXED LOD:{ FIXED: SUM([Sales]) }
- We can also be excluding more dimensions:
source: sqlbelle
AVG({INCLUDE [Region]: SUM(Profit)})
source: sqlbelle
- INCLUDE puts more dimensions (more details) in the view and calculates aggregation on them.
- To the 'Category' dimension we want to include 'Region' dimension and perfom above calculation on it.
Order of operations in Tableau:
- Here is the hierarchy of operations where we can see that FIXED LOD is not being affected by dimension filters but INCLUDE/EXCLUDE are so.
- Context filter affects FIXED LOD, here is how to set it up:
source: sqlbelle
- Analogously to SQL:
- measure filters are equivalent to the HAVING clause in a query,
- dimension filters are equivalent to the WHERE clause.
Calculated Fields:
- We can embded if condition withing AGGREAGATE functions.
    IF [Item Quality] = "Highest Quality"
    THEN 1
    IF [Item Quality] <> ""
    THEN 1
- Every record that contains "Highest Quality" gets 1 in numerator and 1 in denominator. One divided by one gives one which we can see in the Perfect to All field for each record.
Every record that contains something different than "Highest Quality" gets Null in numeratior and 1 in denominator. Null divided by one gives Null. Overall outcome is the sum of all ones by number of records affected which gives us average percentage of "Highest Quality" to all records.
- We can then put the calculated field into a shelf to get ratio in the view:
- We can be embedding ifs:
- Parameter is a variable that can be used across the workbook.
- It is a field that accepts input from the end user who takes control over the visualization.
- Here are some cases when the parameter can be used:
- numeric thresholds,
- what-if analysis,
- dynamic field, axis, titles,
- filtering across different data sources,
- top N. - How to set it up:
1. Creating parameter.
2. Placing parameter in either a calculated field, reference line, set or filter.
3. Putting an input field to the view. - For example I can be asking user about 'Value Threshold'. Then I need to create a parameter that accepts integer, showing the input field:
We can put the variable in the calculated field:
IF SUM([Value]) >= [Value Threshold]
Having set calculated field, we can drag and drop it into color shelf:
- as we can see, there is the color distinction for values > 1,000,000.00 - And here is another example of a dynamic dimension:
- parameter (Select Dimension):
- calculated field (Dynamic Dimension):
CASE [Select Dimension]
WHEN 'Company' THEN [Group Company]
WHEN 'Region' THEN [Region]
WHEN 'Tracker' THEN [Tracker Name]
- each selection of the parameter in [Comapny, Region, Tracker] will reflect with different dimension on Rows shelf (due to calculated field):
Color shlef:
- We can use claculated field in order put it into the color shelf:
IF AVG([Discount]) > 0.05 THEN 'High'
ELSE 'Low'
- It differentiates continues measures:
source: Jeffrey Shaffer
Row Level Security:
- A kind of the user filter that restricts access at the data row level.
- In the filter we have to specify which row can be visible for any given person on the server.
- Example usecase:
When publishing the report, you want to allow each regional manager to see only the data relevant to his or her region. Rather than creating a separate view for each manager, you can apply a user filter that restricts access to the data based on users’ characteristics, such as their role. - In order to apply RLS we can create a dynamic filter using a calculated field that automates the process of mapping users to data rows. This method requires that the underlying data includes the security information for filtering. For example, if you want to filter a view so that only supervisors can see it, the underlying data must be set up to include user names and specify each user’s role.
- For example we have some regions and we want to assign a supervisor to each of them:
That way we keep security information within the dataset.
In order to get the data filtered by the current user (supervisor) who actually views the analysis we need to create the calcualted field making usage of a so-called user function:
so that we can put it into the filters shelf having only TRUE selected. Here is the final look of the view:
In fact, we can get rid of the Supervisor pill from rows shelf.
That way, when publishing the analysis only relevant ro superviosr regions will be displayed without having to create different views for each reagion (supervisor).
- Custom fields being a subset of a specific field that we can create based on certain condition.
- Example:
- let's say we want to visually separate top 3 regions with the highest EUR spend:
turning the top option on other numeric field:
newly-created set in placed in the set section on side bar from which I can drag and drop on color shelf making top 3 regions distinct:
- Creating bins helps us to cluster measures into customizable size of ranges.
- Getting bins on a measure, we convert numerical variable (measure) into categorical variable (dimension).
- Perfect solution if numerical data is a type of float or double.
- Here is the perfect example when we want to change this distribution of ages:
source: Art of Visualization
and to get the Age bins in the size of 5:
source: Art of Visualization
- in the example above 15 is inclusive, and 20 is not etc.
Write Back Extension:
- The functionality that allows to input data through Tableau and store it in the data source for a future reference.
- We can go with 2 versions:
- free: we can save the data into a google spreadsheet,
- commercial: we can save the data into a database. - The extension works on dashboard level which has at least one sheet laid. It can be dragged from the objects section and then chosen from the extensions gallery. Once downloaded we can load it up to the dashboard picking it up from the browsing window. Lastly, configuration window shows up in order to proceed with the extension's details.
- Python script combines flat files into one Tableau input.
- In this case I use static source which is CSV flat files (batch processing).
- However data pipelines are built also for real-time sources where target system requires constant data update (stream processing).
- Data pipeline can route the processed data into another applications like Tableu for building dashboards.
- Once dashboard built, there is the Tableau option for sending it into server.
- Once published, we can perfrom Business Analysis.
- Making good business decisions based on BA leads to process improvements.
- Process improvements generates new data that can undergo the Data Warehousing all over again.
- Data Warehouse is a great concept for monitoring business processes and continuous improvement implementation.
- Taking conclusions from the analysis that can improve business perfomance.
Following installation required:
pip install pandas