Best Supplier Offer Picker


Having 5 offers from 5 suppliers on 1000 products and services can pose a challenge. Python helps to automate choosing a supplier with the best offer and to perform some analysis like percentage differences, achieved savings and more.

  • Script chooses the best price for a random number of products based on the set of offers given by a random number of suppliers.
  • Script also handles situation where there are suppliers that don't offer a specific product.
  • Best price, second best offer being percentage of the best price, max price, savings, product names and suppliers come with the final reported result.


App includes following features:

  • Pandas
  • Numpy


Data input schema:

  • Script identifies minimum price from each row and takes respective supplier.
  • Script assigns a supplier with the best offer to each product.



Following python libraries required:

  • pip install numpy
  • pip install pandas

Source Code

You can view the source code: HERE